Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Magic Pill

 The Magic Pill Everybody is looking for the magic pill that can make them healthy, even while they continue with their bad eating habits and lack of exercise. We have a tendency to want the benefits of good health without putting in the work for effort without making sacrifices to stay off the sugary, sweet things that we know how bad for us, or to drink, less alcohol and quit smoking. To get up and exercise every day. Unfortunately, there is no magic pill that can do all of that without you putting in the work. It’s exactly the same for success, money and wealth building. There is no magic money pill that will give you wealth and financial freedom without you, putting in the effort! There are many products on the market which promise easy money for little or no effort, but reality years takes work to build a business financially free. Don’t pin your opes on winning the lottery or beating the casinos in Vegas with some system, you think that they’ve never heard of! People who go to Vegas are viewed as nothing more than suckers, and the vast majority of them leave with far less in their pocket, than they have on their arrived. The truth If you want to build wealth and become financially free, follow my smart money, formula for success. Stop spending money, you don’t have, and always spend less than your earn. Manage your money wisely. Accumulate wealth through saving and investing in assets. Review your finances and wealth. Building journey regularly with your advisors and family, just like the company has board meetings and regular meetings with your accountants. Give yourselves as a business. Track your income and expenditure so that you know exactly what’s coming in and where everybody is going. To help you further, I’m running a free webinar, practical tips on control of your finances and building wealth. Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM - register now below to avoid disappointment. https://bit.ly/3QPp8IH #money #wealth #moneymanagement #moneytips #financialfreedom #finance #moneytraining #section24 #buytoletlandlord #economy #work

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Unveiling SSAS Secrets: Insights from an Expert Interview

Unveiling SSAS Secrets: Insights from an Expert Interview


In the realm of pensions and retirement planning, the Small Self-Administered Scheme (SSAS) stands as a potent yet lesser-known tool. To uncover its hidden gems and understand its potential benefits, we delve into an enlightening interview with Brian Harvey, an expert in the field.


Firstly, what exactly is a SSAS? In essence, it's a pension scheme tailored for limited company small businesses, allowing greater control and flexibility over investments compared to traditional pension arrangements. With a SSAS, business owners can take the reins of their retirement savings, making strategic investment decisions that align with their long-term financial goals.


One of the key advantages of a SSAS is its tax efficiency. Contributions made into the scheme are typically tax-deductible for the business, reducing its taxable profits. Furthermore, investments within the SSAS grow tax-free, maximizing potential returns over time. These tax benefits can significantly bolster both personal and business finances in the long run.


Moreover, the loan back provision within a SSAS adds another layer of versatility. This feature allows the scheme to lend funds to the sponsoring employer, providing a valuable source of financing for business endeavours. Whether it's funding expansion projects or addressing short-term cash flow needs, the loan back provision offers a lifeline for businesses looking to navigate financial challenges.


Another compelling application of a SSAS lies in property investment. With the ability to purchase commercial property, the scheme opens doors to diversified investment portfolios. From owning business premises to generating rental income, property investments through a SSAS can yield substantial returns while providing stability and security for the future.


In conclusion, the SSAS holds a treasure trove of benefits for savvy business owners and investors alike. From tax advantages to flexible investment strategies, its versatility knows no bounds. To unlock the full potential of a SSAS and chart a course towards financial prosperity, reach out to me or Brian at brian@retirement.capital for expert advice and a complimentary consultation.


#SSAS #PensionPlanning #TaxAdvantages #BusinessInvestments #PropertyInvestment #FinancialFreedom #RetirementPlanning

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Words Can Cut Like Knives

Words Can Cut Like Knives – Money Tips 365 Day 47


Words can cut you like a knife.

Jim Rohn


Whoever wrote, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me, must’ve been drunk!


Be careful of the word you used to people because you can affect them deeply.


A young amy Winehouse went to an event in a vintage black dress and looked gorgeous.


Press said that she looked plump or fat, which was not true. A friend later said that that affected her deeply, and she went into an eating disorder which stayed with her. 


I wonder if the so-called journalist, who wrote that realises that those words could’ve led to her eventual, tragic death. 


Paul McCartney once confronted a journalist over something he written. The journalist was surprised and said he didn’t think Paul would take any notice of what he wrote, but he was wrong.


Even talented superstars have feelings and can be hurt by words or criticism.


Steve Martin went into a six-month depression after a spoof journalist, called out to him at a movie premiere “why are your movies, not funny anymore?”


Big stars can be very sensitive and have delicate egos.


When I was young, I would often speak to quickly, and say the first thing that came into my head, which was often a joke or sarcastic remark.


I would unwittingly upset people.


I was too immature to understand the cause and effect of my words.


Now, I am more careful with my words.


Words can also inspire and move people and nations.


The great speakers use words which touch our emotions, which is why they are great speakers.


Average speakers use facts and figures, which is why they are average.


Unlock Your Earnings Potential On Social Media


In today's world, social media isn't just a pastime; it's a powerhouse for both personal and professional endeavours.


Every day, countless individuals invest significant chunks of time on various social media platforms.


But here's the real question: are you merely a consumer, or are you actively crafting content?


Do you engage as a seller, or do you prefer to purchase others' offerings?


The truth is, social media can be a goldmine for earning money.


The crucial factor? Knowing how to leverage it effectively.


Whether you're aiming to pad your own pockets or boost your business's bottom line, there's ample opportunity waiting to be seized.


Discover the secrets to monetizing your social media presence and kickstart your journey toward financial empowerment.


Ready to delve deeper? Subscribe to my Financial Education newsletter for exclusive insights and strategies. [https://contexttraining.aweb.page/p/4a278f33-c9d0-44e4-a847-7bf02a63f713]


#finance #moneytraining #moneymanagement #wealth #money #marketing #sales #socialmedia #financialeducation #makemoney #tiktok #financialfreedom

#SocialMediaMarketing #OnlineBusiness #DigitalMarketing #Entrepreneurship #ContentCreation #Monetization #BusinessTips #IncomeGeneration #SocialMediaStrategy #MoneyMaking #OnlineIncome #MarketingTips #EntrepreneurLife #SuccessMindset

Monday, April 15, 2024

Asset Rich Time Poor, Time Rich Asset Poor

Asset Rich Time Poor, Time Rich Asset Poor – Money Tips 365 Day 44


Which of these represents you best?


Some people are asset rich, but time poor.


They are willing to work with people who are time rich lack money.


I wrote about this in my book, Borrow and Grow Rich, using OPM Other people’s money –




Ever wonder why you never seem to have enough money?

We are living in challenging economic times.

I want to show you how can you:

·        Not only survive, but thrive in a recession or depression?

·        Get control of your finances and spending?

·        Save and invest for your future?

·        Learn about money and finance?

To help you, I am running a free training webinar. 

3 Steps To Success Money Management!

I want to take you to the next level, help you get control of your money, learn how to invest and become financially free.

Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM.

Places are limited, so register now below to avoid disappointment.


#finance #moneytraining #moneymanagement #wealth #money


Sunday, April 14, 2024

Does Loyalty Pay?

Does Loyalty Pay? Money Tips 365 Day 43


When it comes to suppliers like your mortgage lender and mobile phone provider loyalty does not always pay. In fact, it could cost you dearly.


Banks, insurance companies, lenders and utilities treat existing customers with complacency, and were still they offer better deals to new customers!


Shopping around has never been easier with all of the comparison sites available to find the best deals.


I’ve personally saved tens, of thousands of pounds by switching providers and reviewing existing deals.


Get switching!


Ever wonder why you never seem to have enough money?

We are living in challenging economic times.

I want to show you how can you:

·        Not only survive, but thrive in a recession or depression?

·        Get control of your finances and spending?

·        Save and invest for your future?

·        Learn about money and finance?

To help you, I am running a free training webinar. 

3 Steps To Success Money Management!

I want to take you to the next level, help you get control of your money, learn how to invest and become financially free.

Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM.

Places are limited, so register now below to avoid disappointment.


#finance #moneytraining #moneymanagement #wealth #money

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Problems are Good – Money Tips 365 Day 42

Problems are Good – Money Tips 365 Day 42


Do not believe that people with money have no problems. Everyone has problems, but money gives you the ability to deal with them or affectively.


The person you need to become to become rich, will make you a sort of person that can handle and cope with problems, but they will never go away.


Life is like a garden. It needs tending and watering.


There is a place where all the people have no problems - a cemetery!


If you have problems, you have life and you are living!


Ever wonder why you never seem to have enough money?

We are living in challenging economic times.

I want to show you how can you:

·        Not only survive, but thrive in a recession or depression?

·        Get control of your finances and spending?

·        Save and invest for your future?

·        Learn about money and finance?

To help you, I am running a free training webinar. 

3 Steps To Success Money Management!

I want to take you to the next level, help you get control of your money, learn how to invest and become financially free.

Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM.

Places are limited, so register now below to avoid disappointment.


#finance #moneytraining #moneymanagement #wealth #money

Friday, April 12, 2024

Resources or Resourcefulness? - Money Tips

Resources or Resourcefulness? - Money Tips 365 Day 41


Resources and resourcefulness are both assets.


Some of us will have many resources, but all of can have resourcefulness.


Some of you are born with resources and riches, but everyone is born with resourcefulness.


We have infinite resourcefulness but use only 2% of it. 


As we come out of childhood, we lose much of our creativity, wonder and enthusiasm for life as we are moulded into the system.


Get back your resourcefulness and you will have more resources.


Ever wonder why you never seem to have enough money?

We are living in challenging economic times.

I want to show you how can you:

·        Not only survive, but thrive in a recession or depression?

·        Get control of your finances and spending?

·        Save and invest for your future?

·        Learn about money and finance?

To help you, I am running a free training webinar. 

3 Steps To Success Money Management!

I want to take you to the next level, help you get control of your money, learn how to invest and become financially free.

Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM.

Places are limited, so register now below to avoid disappointment.


#finance #moneytraining #moneymanagement #wealth #money #wealth #happiness

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Rags to Riches To Rags - Money Tips 365 Day 39

Rags to Riches To Rags - Money Tips 365 Day 39


There’s an old saying that family to go from rags to riches to rags in three generations.


First generation work super hard.


Second generation continues but not so hard.


Third generation spends it!


Countries go through the same process which generally leads to decline.


100 years ago, Great Britain was the most powerful and richest nation on Earth, but just over 50 years later had to be bailed out by the IMF because it was bankrupt.


America looks to be heading the same way, While the Sun is rising in Asia, in particular, China and India.


If you observe the people of Asia, they are extremely hard-working, better educated, and more ambitious than the average young Westerner.


You can feel the energy in most Southeast Asia countries.


I have observed firsthand the rise of Asia, and the unfortunate slow decline of the West.


Ever wonder why you never seem to have enough money?

We are living in challenging economic times.

I want to show you how can you:

·        Not only survive, but thrive in a recession or depression?

·        Get control of your finances and spending?

·        Save and invest for your future?

·        Learn about money and finance?

To help you, I am running a free training webinar. 

3 Steps To Success Money Management!

I want to take you to the next level, help you get control of your money, learn how to invest and become financially free.

Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM.

Places are limited, so register now below to avoid disappointment.


#finance #moneytraining #moneymanagement #wealth #money #wealth

Monday, April 8, 2024

Sell WIth Stories - Money Tips 365 Day 35

Sell With Stories - Money Tips 365 Day 35


“The value of an investment is based on a number today multiplied by a story tomorrow.”

Morgan Housel


Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM. Places are limited, so register now below to avoid disappointment. https://bit.ly/3QPp8IH

For instance, the earnings per share of a company is the number today, and P/E ratio is the story tomorrow.


It’s not always the best product that wins investors or the sale.


Entrepreneurs who have the best stories, like Elon Musk, obtain huge valuations for their companies by telling a great story and selling a vision of the future valuation.


Even if you don’t run a company, you can tell your story, whether it’s to the people around, afuture partner or your potential employer.


Need help with your money?

We are living in challenging economic times.

I want to show you how can you:

·        Not only survive, but thrive in a recession or depression?

·        Get control of your finances and spending?

·        Save and invest for your future?

·        Learn about money and finance?

To help you, I am running a free training webinar. 

3 Steps To Success Money Management!

I want to take you to the next level, help you get control of your money, learn how to invest and become financially free.

Join me online on my free live money management training Wednesday at 7.00PM.

Places are limited, so register now below to avoid disappointment.


#finance #moneytraining #moneymanagement #wealth #jesus


Friday, April 5, 2024

Enjoy your life Money Tips 365 Day 32

Enjoy your life Money Tips 365 Day 32

Enjoy your life and money, spend time with your family and people who are important to you.

Whilst it is important to make money, invest and look after your money, don’t let it become such an obsession that you neglect everything else in your life, that’s really important.

Life is, but a fleeting moment in history, so make the best of it while we’re here on this earth.

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Thursday, April 4, 2024

Live in a State of Gratitude - Money Tips 365 Day 31

Live in a State of Gratitude - Money Tips 365 Day 31

Living in the state of gratitude helps you attract more of that which you are grateful for. This could be things like having good health, living in a good country, or just having a great day. 

If you are ungrateful and unhappy in your life, you will always be striving for more, always dissatisfied. You will never have enough. 

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#gratitude #health #money #moneytips   


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Learn The Secrets Of Successful People, Read Biographies – Money Tips 36...

Learn The Secrets Of Successful People, Read Biographies – Money Tips 365 Day 31


You can discover exactly out how wealthy businesspeople, sports and movie stars achieved success by reading biographies!

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#moneytips #readbooks #wealth #success

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Beware Of The DEADLY Food Pyramid Chart Diet!

Beware Of The DEADLY Food Pyramid Chart Diet!


Obesity and diabetes in the West has gone through the roof along with prescription drugs.

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Cancer amongst the UK’s young has risen by 70% since 1990.


Children’s behaviour in school has gone from bad to worse in England and Wales, according to a new report.


More and more children are now being diagnosed with behavioural or mental illnesses.


It’s inconceivable that this is not linked to the change in the western (American) diet over the last 50 to 100 years.


Much of this seems to stem from health professionals’ and heart foundations absolute belief in the food pyramid and demonisation of meat.  


Meat and farm food production under threat.


A company in Europe has started to 3-D print, yes, artificially, 3-D, prints, “meat” created in a laboratory.  NO!!!


There are many diets from around the world, but only one that definitely does NOT work: The American Western diet!


What has this got to do with money and success? EVERYTHING!


Wealth is health.


I lost 13 kg?


I didn’t starve myself or become a gym rat.   

I cut carbs and sugar, ate plenty of meat, fat and veg, walked.

Wealth is health.


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#food #lowcarbdiet #health #ketogenicdiet #carnavoirdiet #loseweight #americandiet #sugar #cancer #heartdisease #stroke #money #wealth #energy

Monday, April 1, 2024

Leverage And OPM Will Help Accelerate Your Wealth Building Money Tips 36...

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Leverage is a term used in business for borrowing money or using debt to buy assets.


Other people’s money (OPM) has been deployed for centuries to help governments and businesses to raise capital, which I’ve written about in my book, Borrow and Grow Rich.


There is a big difference between good debt, which helps you buy assets that produce income, capital growth, and create jobs and bad debt to consumer goods which go down in value.


Can you think of an example of where you have used good debt or leverage to buy an asset like a property? 


Have you also used bad debt, such as a credit card, to buy something that you didn’t want to save up for?


How much has that item cost you in interest?




Use good debt, leverage and OPM to accelerate your wealth building process.


Avoid credit cards and other bad debt and only use a credit card to pay for things that you can repay in full at the end of the month.


If you have credit card debts, start on a plan to clear the balance as soon as possible, rather than just paying the minimum amount each month.


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Sunday, March 31, 2024

21 SMART Money And Energy Saving Tips

21 SMART Money And Energy Saving Tips

With energy bills, fuel and interest rates soaring, there’s never been a more critical time to make savings and learn how to manage our money to the best of our ability. I cover many more tips and money-making ideas in my programme, Master Your Money the S.M.A.R.T Way training. Check it out for free - https://bit.ly/3isugCr.

Please LIKE and SHARE – WATCH YOUTUBE VIDEO - https://youtu.be/taJgXOqp9O0

Here are some tips to help you save and accumulate more money.

1 Pay yourself and save first, spend what’s left

2 Avoid credit card debt interest

3 Track your income and expenditure

‘T’ for ‘track’ is included in my programme, Master Your Money the S.M.A.R.T Way training. Check it out for free - https://bit.ly/3isugCr.

4 Start saving and investing

Check out www.gov.uk/individual-savings-accounts for more information. Check for the best cash ISA rates at Moneyfacts. Shop around and be prepared to move your money to obtain the best rates.

5 Emergency or contingency funds

6 Loyalty doesn’t always pay - switch suppliers

Check your latest utility statements and check out comparison sites, such as uswitch or moneysupermarket.

7 Reduce your car insurance

8 Review your mortgage

‘R’ for ‘review’ is part of my programme, Master Your Money the S.M.A.R.T Way training. Check it out - https://bit.ly/3isugCr.

9 Check your tax code to pay less to HMRC

10 Look for old bank accounts and pension policies

11 Check for any entitlements to benefits.

12 Reduce your grocery bill

13 Avoid wasting food

14 Explore local charities for help – there is an abundance of food given away by supermarkets

15 Check your workplace or private pension

16 Check your state pension and NI contributions level

17 Use loyalty cards, price match and vouchers and deal finders

Try hacks like VoucherCodes ‘DealFinder’ as a plug-in on Chrome to be alerted to the best deals while buying online.

There are hundreds of money saving apps and discount offers, such as Sweatcoin and BetterPoints, where you can get paid to walk and exchange your steps for store discounts and freebies.

18 Cut energy bills

Check out the Energy Saving Trust for some great energy and money saving hacks.

19 Sell unwanted stuff on resale platforms

You can turn unwanted clothes into cash using resale platforms such as DepopVinted and eBay.

20 Mindset – avoid emotional spending and blowing your salary on payday

In my programmes and YouTube Money Tips Podcast videos I talk about money mindset. A recent survey by Nationwide’s Payday Saveday revealed that 1 in 5 people blow over half their spare monthly wages within 48 hours of payday!

21 Plan, organise and forecast

The key is in planning and organising your expenditure, work, goals, relationships and life! As in the first tip, prioritise essential expenditure and your savings pot, before spending.

Finally, searching for the best deals, tracking and reviewing your finances and being mindful of spending money on things to don’t really need will not only help you get through the current crises but help you form lifelong habits that will enable to build wealth.

For more ideas and tips, see out my new training to help you get control of your finances in 28 days!

Click to join: https://bit.ly/3isugCr

#freetraining #savemoney #moneysavingtips #mortgage #creditcarddebt #energybill #costofliving #goals #foodbank #getcontroloffinances #money

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Index Funds Stocks And Shares Money Tips 365 Day 26

Index Funds Stocks And Shares Money Tips 365 Day 26


For those of you, who do not want to study the markets and companies in detail, the next best thing is to put your money into an index tracker fund, as advised by the great Warren Buffett.


Index funds, such as those run by companies like Vanguard, literally track the markets and match the performance of the overall index. 


For instance, an index fund investing in the S&P 500 indices, will match the overall movement of the fund through algorithms, so investors get the benefit of the growth in the index without having to pick individual stocks.


Index funds have outperformed many of the actively managed funds, many of which fail to match the average movement of the markets. 


This does not constitute financial advice, and you should always seek expert advice from an independent financial advisor or planner. 


To help you, I am running a free training webinar on money management and wealth building tips. Click link: https://bit.ly/3QPp8IH

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#indexfunds #vangaurd #money #savings #invest #inflation #freetraining #stockmarket #economy #financialfreedom  



Friday, March 29, 2024

Investment Risk Money Tips 365 Day 25

Investment Risk Money Tips 365 Day 25


Risk is what’s left over after you’ve thought of everything.

Carl Richards


Risk is part of life as well as investing. There will be a certain amount of risk when you invest your money into a stock market linked product or an asset like a property. however, you can mitigate these risks by educating yourself and taking good financial advice.


You should never risk everything or gamble with your money. Don’t bet the farm on a single investment as the saying goes.


Legendary investors like Warren Buffett have two rules. rule one, never lose money. Rule two, don’t forget, rule one. 


To help you, I am running a free training webinar on money management and wealth building tips. Click link: https://bit.ly/3QPp8IH

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#indexfunds #vangaurd #money #savings #invest #inflation #freetraining #stockmarket #economy #financialfreedom  #risk


Thursday, March 28, 2024

Ambition Money Tips Daily Day 24

Ambition Money Tips Daily Day 24


Ambition, like appetite, varies from person to person.


Wealthy people are usually ambitious. They aim high, set goals in order to achieve a high level of success.


The super rich have huge appetites for life and success, often going far beyond mere money.


Billionaires seek to dominate their market and crush competition. They have world dominating goals.


Not everyone wants to conquer the world or be a billionaire, which is why there are so few of them compared to millionaires and multimillionaires.


However, you can enjoy a wonderful life without being a billionaire. 


To help you, I am running a free training webinar on money management and wealth building tips. Click link: https://bit.ly/3QPp8IH

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#energy #elonmusk #ambition #money #savings #invest #rockafella #inflation #freetraining #recession #economy #financialfreedom  #billionaire



Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Energy Of Money - Money Tips 365 Day 23

Energy Money Tips 365 Day 23


Money seems to have its own energy. Some people seem to be tuned into this energy and attract money. While others repel it.


Life is energy and you need it to get out of bed in the morning.


Look after your health and get enough sleep so that you have sufficient energy to work, or lunch and run a business. 


Successful and wealthy people usually have above average energy. The very rich, like billionaires, are blessed with super levels of energy and drive, and can work for 16 hours a day without a break.


Examples include Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Steve Jobs and John D. Rockefeller. 


One way to generate your own energy is to become enthused and passionate about your work.


If you’re not passionate about what you’re doing, then you need to either reignite this passion or find something that you are passionate about.


To help you, I am running a free training webinar on money management and wealth building tips. Click link: https://bit.ly/3QPp8IH


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#energy #elonmusk #trump #money #savings #invest #rockafella #inflation #freetraining #recession #economy #financialfreedom  

Money Tips To Survive The Recession And Thrive Financially

Tips To Survive The Recession And Thrive Financially

Are you worried about the future of the economy and your finances? It's a valid concern, especially with the uncertainty that comes with a recession. But what if I told you that there's a way to not only survive but thrive during tough economic times?

Watch YouTube video - https://youtu.be/VKGsIlBUxpU

Through extensive research and experience, I have uncovered 6 proven tactics that have helped people weather any recession and thrive financially. These tactics have been tested and refined, and I am confident that they will work for you too.

There’s no doubt that we are living in challenging economic times and many people are living in fear. But if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got!

To help you, I am running a free training webinar on money management and wealth building tips. Click link: https://bit.ly/3QPp8IH

Finally, keep learning and working on yourself and you will thrive in any economy.

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#money #savings #invest #costoflivingcrisis #inflation #freetraining #recession #economy #financialfreedom  

Friday, March 22, 2024

Discipline - Money Tips Daily Day 21

Discipline - Money Tips Daily Day 21


All successful or physically fit people, I know, have self-discipline and control, all failures and unhealthy people, don’t. 


Just like keeping fit or living healthily, saving is a habit which requires a certain amount of self-discipline and willpower. 


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#discipline #selfdiscipline #money #moneytips   

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Respect Money - Money Tips 365 Day 20

Respect Money - Money Tips 365 Day 20


Respect money and money will respect you.


People respect and nurture their money will inevitably build wealth and become financially free.


People who are broke and constantly running out of money invariably treat their money badly by wasting it, losing it, frivolously, gambling and generally not looking after it. 


Even the way you organise your money in your wallet or purse, organise your statements and accounts, all point towards how you respect your money.


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#respect # #money #moneytips #spotify

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Luck! Do You Feel Lucky? - Money Tips 365 Day 19

Luck! Do You Feel Lucky? - Money Tips 365 Day 19

Luck plays an important factor in your life in more ways than you would think.


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If you’re reading this book or listening to my podcasts on a computer, you are already lucky.


If you were born in the first world, western country with free healthcare and education you have more luck on your side than you can imagine.


Billionaires like Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs were lucky to be born in the right place at the right time, to meet their business partners and build businesses that change the world.


Obviously, you must take advantage of your luck and take action when serendipity comes your way.


Studies have shown that People who are generally luckier have certain common traits. They are generally friendly and nice to people they meet for the first time, and willing to strike up a conversation with a stranger.


Lucky people tend to be positive, open-minded, and willing to try new things.


They are usually happy, ‘glass half full’ people that you want to be around.


They are also grateful for everything they have in their life however small and are always turning negatives into positives. Like missing the train and instead of getting annoyed, they say, “oh well, at least now I have time to grab that coffee and a croissant “.


You also should take action and take part in things. As the old saying goes, you can’t win a prize if you don’t buy ticket!


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#luck #theluckfactor #billgates #stevejobs #money #moneytips #networking

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Protect Yourself Against Liabilities And Risk - Money Tips 365 Day 18

Protect Yourself Against Liabilities And Risk - Money Tips 365 Day 18 Risk

Making money and keeping it are different skills.

Build a wall around your financial world and family that no one can break through.

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Section 24 Tax Hike Solutions Revealed By Property Accountant

Interview with Chartered Accountant and property tax specialist who reveals options and solutions to move your properties from your own name into a limited company or LLP whilst mitigating the potential HMRC pitfalls.

Email charles@charleskelly.net for a free consultation on how to deal with Section 24.

Watch video now: https://youtu.be/aMuGs_ek17s

In this 45-minute interview we discuss:

·        What is Section 24 and when did George Osbourne introduce this tax hike on landlords?

·        6 options available to landlords with buy-to-let properties in their own name

·        What is classed as a property business and property partnership?

·        Ramsay v HMRC (2013) case explained

·        Incorporation Relief, Stamp Duty, CGT (Capital Gains tax) and much more…

Over 29,000 people signed a petition calling on the government to reverse this unfair tax o landlords to no avail. 

Find out what you can do in this video.

Email charles@charleskelly.net for a free consultation on how to deal with Section 24.

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