Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Should banks control our spending

Should banks control our spending
By Charles Kelly, Property Investor, former IFA, Author of
Yes, Money Can Buy You Happiness and creator of Money Tips Podcast.
Analysis has shown that people with bipolar disorder,
depression or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) are more prone to
overspending and potential problems with money management and debt, the BBC
Now the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute is calling
on banks and building societies to monitor customers' data to spot signs of
problems, such as sudden drops in income, dramatic increases in spending, or
persistent use of unauthorised overdrafts.
Banks argue that many customers would have more than one
account, making it difficult to gather a comprehensive picture of a customer's
There are also data protection rules in place that would
make any intervention difficult. The institute wants regulators to publish
guidance on how customer data can be used legally and safely.
Helen Undy, chief executive of the institute said:
"About 100,000 people in problem debt attempt suicide
each year in England, with many suffering in silence and struggling to ask for
Having worked in financial services, including banks,
insurance companies and my own IFA practice, for over 25 years, I have seen first-hand
how people manage their money. This is why I wrote Yes, Money Can Buy You Happiness to help
people feel better and manage their money more effectively.
If you’d like more information on how to acquire wealth
building assets using none of your money, email me at Charles@CharlesKelly.net or send me
a message through Facebook or my Money Tips Daily community.
Other articles at www.moneytipsdaily.com
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There are more examples and practical steps to getting rich and
being happy in my book
Yes, money can buy happiness, I cover
the 3 R’s of Money Management, the Money B.E.L.I.E.F System and much more.
Check it out on Amazon http://bit.ly/2MoneyBook.

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