Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Real Secret Of Building A Fortune and 5 Quick Money Tips

5 Quick Money Tips And The Real Secret Of Building A Fortune!

What’s the funniest money saving tip you’ve ever heard? One of the strangest tips I’ve
heard was on a radio show, which had a daily “housewives tips” feature.

The Alan Partridge sounding DJ would say: “send in your money saving tip on a postcard
and if it’s read out, you’ll get a free mug!”

One tip sent in by a listener recommended gathering up all of the small leftover
bits of hand soap and then putting them into a saucepan. You would then boil
the soaps or bits of soap meld them together to form new bars of soap!

Well if you’ve heard amusing tips one like that let me know, but not on a postcard.

In those days, before the Internet, a popular saving tip was to cut out coupons
from magazines and newspapers and take them into the supermarket to get savings
on certain items. It was always annoying standing behind people rummaging
around in the purse for coupons! These coupons still exist only nowadays they
can scan them straight into the tills.

One of my wealthiest clients used to collect coupons she was worth a fortune in
properties, but still looks after the pennies, so the pounds looks after

Nowadays, you don’t even have to cut out paper coupons as there are there are many deals
on the Internet and companies like Wowcher and groupon have made a fortune
cashing in on the ground trend to get a deal or save money! It’s almost become
a national obsession.

You can only go so far by cutting costs and saving money.

Grant Cardone says:

“Foundation of building wealth Focus on income…”

In other words, if you want to build wealth you need to first focus on generating
income and later on investing.

Money held on deposits won’t make you rich either. If the banks are paying you .25%
in your money it will take 40 years to pay you 10% on your cash!

There are hundreds of practical ways to generate more income including:

Takea part time job
Parttime business
MLM or direct sales
Online marketing
Online retailing such as amazon, Ebay, Groupon or shopify
Affiliate marketing
Blogging and writing
Film extra work
Buy to let property
Property  management

In the next episode, I’ll be going into some easy ways to
make some offline income in your spare time.

Check out my new book on Amazon, Yes, Money Can Buy You Happiness

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