Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Mastering Money The S.M.A.R.T Way Without Working Any Harder Lesson #4

Exclusive free training for my Money Tips Podcast followers!


Welcome To The Course, Mastering Money The S.M.A.R.T Way Without Working Any Harder!


Lesson #4




In this module, we are going to cover saving, investing, and accumulating wealth.


If you cannot save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you.

W. Clement Stone


Get into the habit of saving until you get more satisfaction from rationally putting money aside than you do from irrationally spending it.


The events of the last year has exposed the fact that millions of people have no savings. After years of working in first-world prosperous countries they are broke, and dependent on benefits and foodbanks.


We all need savings to fall back on and to enable us to stop working or at least stop exchanging our time for money. If you have no form of passive income, you can never stop working.


In simple terms, savings can be categorised into three general areas:


1.      Short term

2.      Medium Term

3.      Long term


Short term savings can be for a contingency fund for emergencies, holidays or to buy something you need.


Medium term savings can be for larger items, like a deposit for a house, an investment into a business or a car.


Longer term saving is generally for retirement but can also include children’s college education.


Pay yourself first


A basic principle is to pay yourself first before you pay everyone else.


Think of saving as paying yourself rather than depriving yourself of candy when your pocket money was taken away from you by your parents.


Savers automatically transfer a percentage of their income into some form of savings vehicle as soon as they receive it and live on the rest.


Spenders spend and live on their salary and save whatever is left over, if any.


Who do you think saves the most money?


Money Master savers also maximise their tax-free allowances into things like tax-efficient pensions and schemes to make sure their money is working hard for them and they are paying less tax.


The poor work hard for their money, the rich make their money work hard for them.

Robert Kiyosaki


An easy way to save is to use the ‘jam jar’ method that your grandparents used when money was tight, everything was paid in cash and people didn’t use banks as they do today.


When the weekly wage came into the household it was divided up, usually by the women, and put into various empty jam jars to cover the rent, fuel, food and replacement items like children’s shoes. People also saved for birthdays and Christmas.


You can use this method by dividing your monthly salary into virtual ‘jam jar’ separate bank accounts rather than one account.


You can name the accounts whatever you like, but I would suggest something along the following lines:


·        Emergency or contingency fund

·        Medium term savings

·        Long term savings

·        Play account – fun things for yourself including trips, meals out and clothes

·        Giving account – for charity donations.


You could also add a training and development account to be invested in yourself in the form of books and courses.


The percentages will vary according to your means.


But the important point here is to get started, even if you can only save 10% of your income. Start this process online right now. Many of the newer “challenger” banks operate entirely online and can set up an account within minutes.


If you’re thinking that you cannot possibly save 10% of your income, look at your income and expenditure sheet. If you haven’t done one yet check your bank and credit card statements to see where your money goes.


If your budget is so tight and you have economised everywhere and still have absolutely nothing leftover, you may have to consider ways of increasing your income by getting another job or starting a home-based business in your spare time.


I have helped people transform their wealth through my book and coaching programme. 


Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the Chicken Soup For The Soul book series which has sold 500 million copies all other the world, teaches a ‘10,10,10,70’ wealth formula in his book, The One Minute Millionaire.


The multi-millionaire entrepreneur advises that you divide your income in the following way:


·        10% Giving

·        10% Investing – for the long-term needs

·        10% Saving – for short to medium-term needs

·        70% to live on.




Start saving for your pension as early as you can and save as much as you can.


As a rough guide, every 5 years of delaying a pension savings plan means your eventual fund will halve in value. In other words, every 5 years you wait, means you will need to pay in twice as much to get the same result. 


When we are young, we think we have all the time in the world. But you may not have as much time as you think.


For instance, if you are aged 30 now, you have roughly 30 years of working life ahead of you if you plan to retire at 60. Thirty years sounds like an awfully long time, however, if you break it down into pay or salary cheques, 30 years is just 360 salary payments - 12 per year times 30 years assuming full employment.


At 40, you have just 240 salary payments left, and at 50, just 120, assuming you manage to stay in work and in good health.


Even a full working life of 40 years is only 480 pay cheques. If you save $100 per month for 40 years, it will give you a fund of $48,000 plus growth, less charges. You couldn’t live on that for the rest of your life today, let alone in 40 years’ time. Even $1000 per month would still only be $500,000 plus growth.


You can still combine pensions with other forms of investing, such as property, stock market and business, and even use your pension scheme to buy shares and commercial property, subject to the rules. This is a specialist subject, and you should take independent professional advice.


Before you jump into something like property, remember that buy-to-let investing does not suit everyone and is certainly not a passive form of investment. Buying property requires knowledge and expertise, as well as a diligent work. 


Take independent financial advice on this important area of your life. Don’t leave it to chance and risk living in poverty in your old age. If your employer provides a good pension scheme, that’s great, if not, or you are one of the millions of self-employed or casual workers, you’re on your own and will have to “row your own boat” to retirement.


Don’t rely on the government Pension ‘Ponzi’ scheme to look after you in retirement


Most government state retirement pension schemes have no actual fund.


Benefits are paid to retirees out of tax collected by working people. If I ran a pension scheme using the ‘Bernie Madoff method’ – keep collecting money and use that to pay investors – I’d be put in jail!


The UK Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) research found that in 2004, there were approximately 4 working age individuals (aged 20-64) for every 1 person aged 65 and over.


By 2056 this ratio is predicted to fall to about 2:1 or half the current level.


How can the government afford to fund state pensions at the same level if the income from working taxpayers drops by 50%?


The UK government has already started pushing back retirement ages for men and women and more cuts will be needed.  


People are also living far longer in retirement than they did to when the state pensions schemes were introduced after the Second World War. The numbers no longer add up, if they ever did!


These schemes are bust!


Summary Day 4


Saving is a habit. If you cannot save money you will struggle with money and debt for the rest of your life and will never be able to afford to retire comfortably.


Action Steps


·        Pay yourself first.

·        Set up an automatic transfer of a percentage of your income into ‘jam jar’ accounts the day your salary hits your account.

·        Save for retirement as soon as possible.

·        See an adviser or research pensions.

·        Always learn and do your own research before investing in any asset.


Congratulations on completing this module. In the next lesson, we will be looking at reviewing your finances to keep you on track.


If you would like to learn more about investing and managing your money, become a professional property investor, or would like to be financially free without working any harder, watch this free on demand training.


I will give a special free gift which can help you to immediately transform your finances when you attend the online training.

Click on this link to watch the free training now

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