Wednesday, June 9, 2021

How To Build A Secure Future And Avoid A Bleak Retirement Without Workin...

The baby boomer and millennial generations are facing an uncertain future with job insecurity and drastically reduced state and private employer pension benefits.

How can you avoid ending up living your retirement days in poverty?

There are a number of steps you can take, but it starts with your mindset and habits.

Change your spending and saving habits.

How? Changing a long-held habit is easier said than done, right?

Not something you can easily do by yourself.

The answer is to get help and guidance instead of trying to do it all alone.

Take a course or programme, get a mentor or a coach.

What’s the most effective, proven way to lose weight?

Join a weight watchers’ class or group. Why, this will give you education, support and accountability.

What’s the most effective, proven way to quit smoking, drinking or drugs?

Enter into a programme, class or group.

Millions of people ‘try’ to lose weight, quite drinking or gambling on their own, but most fail and go back to the same old habit.

That’s why organisations like Alcoholics Anonymous and Gamblers Anonymous have been going for so long because they have helped millions of people change a habit through a combination of coaching and mentoring and learning.

Want to get fit or a six pack? Get a personal trainer.

Want to improve your golf swing? Get a coach, like all the best players do.

Do you want to improve your financial situation?

Do you want to stop making the same mistakes that got you to where you are today?

Do you want to be financially free and retire early?

Get a Money Mastery Coach.

A Money Mastery coach can help guide you through the financial maze and show you a clear path to financial freedom without the pain of trial and error.

These 3 Money Secrets Will Make You Wealthy Without Working Any Harder

Are You Fed Up Struggling Financially?

Firstly, I just want to thank you for taking the time to join me today. Money problems are one of the biggest causes of stress and relationships breakdowns. I can remember my parents having some almighty rows over money!

I’m Charles Kelly and for 25 years I worked as a Financial Adviser helping thousands of people solve their money problems. I was successful, but it wasn’t until I discovered the secrets to mastering money that my clients started achieving amazing results.

I’m also the author of three books including, “Yes, Money Can Buy You Happiness” and “Borrow and Grow Rich”.

I’m going to uncover 3 money secrets and a simple system for truly mastering money to help you start building real wealth and ultimately live the life you truly deserve.

Secret 1: Your Money Mindset has got you where you are today – not the economy, the government or your parents.

It’s far more about what’s in your head than in your pocket.

Most people have been programmed to think that “money is scarce” and hard to come by, that you have to “work hard for money” or you “need money to make money” – Not true!

Some of us are programmed from an early age by our parents. My dad would say things like “we can’t afford it”, “money doesn’t grow on trees” and “do you think I’m made of Money?”!

This language creates a ‘scarcity mentality’ which can stay with us for the rest of our lives unless we take action to change our mindset, our language and habits.

In my early life, I constantly struggled with money. I was making a good salary, but no matter how much I earned, I never seemed to have enough!  

I would fall behind on my bills and have creditors chasing me. Being broke is no way to live, which is why I wrote Yes, Money Can Buy You Happiness.

Then I discovered a mindset shift that turned my finances around. Once I learned this, I started accumulating money and have never been broke since. 

So, it’s not how much you earn, but how you manage it that counts.

Making a lot of money alone will not make you rich!

I’m sure we all know people who have made and lost fortunes, as I discuss in my book.

Secret 2: You can’t improve what you cannot measure. 

The next step is to take stock of where you are right now. Most people have no idea of how much they spend.

Think of yourself as a business, even if you are an employee.

Make a list of all your current commitments, income and regular and variable outgoings. Then list your assets and liabilities – your balance sheet – to calculate your ‘net worth’. You can do this on a spreadsheet or on a notepad. Then, repeat this every month and start balancing the figures monthly like any solvent business should do.

Secret 3: Focus on building your net worth.

The rich buy assets, which appreciate in value, and build their net worth over the long term.

The poor spend their money on liabilities, which go down in value, and rarely if ever build assets and net worth.

I haven’t got time in this short presentation to cover everything - which I go though in my book and SMART MONEY MANAGER courses in more detail.

But I hope these simple mindset shifts and steps alone will open your mind and set you on the road to prosperity.

If you enjoyed this and found it helpful, please like and share with your friends and follow me on social media to give more people free value. 

I’m offering free discovery coaching calls to three people this week. Message me if you’re interested or email

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