Thursday, April 22, 2021

How to make money in property whatever the market

Make money in property whatever the market is doing!

The UK economy fell by 9.9% in 2020, yet property prices went up, and the market is still hot!

House sales and property prices have surged amid government moves to stimulate the housing market.

New data from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) showed UK property transactions in March hitting the highest monthly level since modern records began in 2005.

The housing market has been almost immune to the Covid crisis as people rethink their lives and where they want to live.

Official data also shows average UK house prices rose 8.6% in a year.

HMRC figures show that there were 180,690 UK property sales recorded in March, which was more than double the number in March last year and 50% higher than February!

Many people are asking if prices will fall in 2021.

There are a number of factors which could prevent a fall in prices, one of them being the recent launch of a government-back 95% mortgage guarantee scheme to allow people to buy a property with just 5% down.

Another factor is that when governments have pumped billions into the economy asset prices, such as property, have usually risen – as they did after the 2008 financial crisis.

The truth is, nobody really knows for sure. Some experts are predicting a new boom.

In the long term, property has always gone up in value and there is still a massive shortage of housing in the UK.

But what if there was a strategy which enabled you to invest in property without risking your own money and makes money for you whether the market goes up or down?

My friend Kevin McDonnell is hosting a complimentary event tonight to show you the benefits and the potential of creating a property portfolio, without putting your own life savings down. In this webinar, you will discover the beauty of No Money Down Investing!

Kevin is one of the smartest property investors I know and he can show you how he went from broke and in debt to multi-millionaire in a few short years.

Kevin is not worried about a market correction because he will make money in a rising or falling market.

His next session is on Thursday 22nd April

Why is this strategy right for you?

You will leave seeing how invaluable this strategy is, no matter the obstacles that come your way.

You will learn how to gain assets with little/none of your own money and how to create the relationships to do so!

There is so much that people do not understand about this strategy, that is why the No Money Down webclass will be showing you strategies on how to build and grow your property portfolio - without risking your savings.

This strategy is timeless.

If this sounds right up your street then join Kevin on Thursday 22nd April at 7pm when he will reveal how to quickly build and maintain a successful property portfolio.

Don’t miss out - Claim your spot now!

More details -

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