Friday, November 15, 2019

We have more free time than ever so why are we so busy edit

We have more free time than ever so why are we so busy?
By Charles Kelly, Property Solutions Investor, Author of
Yes, Money Can Buy You Happiness and creator of Money Tips Podcast.
With all of the technology and mechanisation of household
chores, we actually have more leisure and free time than ever before, so why is
it that we are always so “busy”?
In this Money
Tips Podcast

How many hours are there in a week?
How many hours do you spend at work?
How many hours do you spend sleeping?
How many hours do you have free?
How many hours do you spend on social media or
watch TV?
How many hours could you spend improving
yourself and your future?

People who get on all those who keep learning and keep
themselves up-to-date with the latest trends in their industry. How do they do
that? They invest in themselves and use the time wisely.
They make sacrifices where necessary, So, instead of buying
lots of new clothes or a new car every year they invest in education for the
business to improve their future.
They use the time effectively, so instead of spending 20 to
30hours every week watching TV, they study for a new skill, a degree or
masters, or build a business on the side in order to improve their future.
Where am I going to find a time, I hear you ask?

How many hours are there in every week? 168
How many hours do you spend at work? 40
How many hours do you spend sleeping? 56.
How many hours do you have free? 72 - 10 hours
travelled time = 62 hours
How many hours do you spend watching television
or videos online?
How many hours do you spend browsing on social

These are the critical questions you should be asking
yourself. Questions trigger an emotional response that can bring about changes.
Questions like:
Where is my life going?
How much time am I wasting on social media?
How much do I have in the bank?
How will I be able to afford to retire?
How can I improve my life and build a better
life for myself and my family?

You get the picture?
I decided a long time ago that I needed to continually keep
investing in myself in order to stay ahead of the game. For instance, Things
are always changing in property, like new ideas for acquiring assets with no
money down.
People down the pub will tell you that it's “impossible,
can't be done” or “you need a lot of money to buy property”, but if you listen
to people down the pub you will not get very far in life.
If you'd like to find out more about how you can become
financially free by investing in property, even if you don't have any of your
own money, contact me on Facebook messenger or at
Can you afford to retire?
Millions of people, or over 80% of the population, will
either retire in poverty or not be able to afford to retire at all. What’s your
You can learn how to acquire income producing assets using
other people’s money and other no money down strategies in order to become
financially free.
Smart investors are using these creative
finance, ‘no money down’ tools to build massive property portfolios
in a
few short years, as their hands are not tied by mortgage lenders and the need
to save large deposits and pay higher taxes.
Before you buy another, or your first, property, take
time out to learn proven successful strategies from expert multi-millionaire
property investors on a free taster ‘property discovery day’.
If you’d like more information on how to acquire wealth
building assets using none of your money, email me at
or send me a message through Facebook or my Money Tips Daily community.
See more articles at
How to Use Creative Property Financing to Beat the Banks
  In the last few years, mortgage lending rules have been tightened up by
UK regulators. Lenders now dig into your finances far more deeply than just
looking at your annual income. Self-certificated mortgages are all but... see -
There are more examples and practical
steps to getting rich and being happy in my book
, Yes, money can buy happiness, I cover the 3
R’s of Money Management, the Money B.E.L.I.E.F System and much more. Check it
out on Amazon

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